Hello world!

A new web site for a new chapter in life. If you don’t know me, I’m Emma.

My Pilates journey began with a car accident whilst pregnant with my second child. It left me in constant discomfort and pain. Being a somewhat stubborn individual, I decided to embark upon fixing myself as the medication & basic rehabilitation exercises were not getting me to the place I wanted to be.

I moved to Santa Cruz, California in 2005 with my young family and it was here I started my training.

After two Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training courses and then studying & qualifying in Gyrotonic(R) & Gyrokiesis(R). I’d managed to find a place where I was no longer in constant discomfort.

From here on I elevated to full geek mode. Studying with as many teachers and courses as possible, becoming a member of the PMA (Pilates Method Alliance) and reading as much as I could get my hands on and my budget would allow.

Whilst in Santa Cruz, I started studying Fletcher Pilates. It was this part of my training that really transformed me into the Teacher I am today. I completed Fletcher training in the UK and have been on their Faculty team since 2015.

I continue to be in awe of the transformative effects of Pilates as a teacher and as an educator. I really, really do love my job. No only for the opportunity to be in continuous learning mode but for the incredible individuals I have met whilst in this profession.

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